COLLECTIONS are built to motivate in-depth readings of the world and of human nature and to reveal the hidden layers of meaning in film narratives. This indicative selection of films demonstrates the numerous ways in which films can be linked to one another to open up discussion on particular topics and themes, to challenge aesthetic appreciation, to provide knowledge on social and historical facts, to introduce cultures and local myth, to enhance critical thinking, to provoke creative expression. The list seems to be endless, just like film combinations appear to be both countless and intriguing.
In this menu, you can find a list of topics that run like undercurrents the films presented in the FILM VAULT. You can follow this categorization in order to implement new methodologies in regular school curricula; moreover, you can experiment by introducing your own thematic umbrellas in class and explore contemporary issues of high social relevance, by bringing together seemingly dissimilar cinematic representations. Teachers are encouraged to consult and use the following suggested collections, according to the theme that matches their specific teaching aims and objectives. On their part, students can learn how to practice in working with small archives and developing their research skills.