The Secret of The Marabou’s Cipher

Maciej Wojtyszko

Poland, 1979



Social Education, Languages


Each of us can be a detective – “The Mystery of the Marabou’s Cipher” by Maciej Wojtyszko.


Authorship: Dorota Zacharzewska, Rafał Żuk

Educational level:  Elementary school, 6th grade

Time: 45 minutes (plus film viewing)

Learning outcomes:

General objectives:

  • Improving reading techniques;
  • Enhancing the skills of oral and written expression;
  • Developing an artistic sensitivity.

Operational objectives – students are able to:

  • list film genres;
  • match the genre of the movie to the corresponding music and justify this choice;
  • read a fragment of text “Secret of the Marabou’s Cipher” by M. Wojtyszko;
  • answer questions about content of the text;
  • choose a logo for the text title and justify this choice;
  • create the ending of a piece of the text discussed during the lesson;
  • formulate a written statement about the possible use of the mystery key.

Teaching methods:

  • discussion;
  • analysis of the movie;
  • text analysis and interpretation;
  • work in groups.

Teaching tools: fragment of the “Secret of the Marabou’s Cipher” by M. Wojtyszko; a work card (attachment no. 1); a mysterious box; a key; illustrations with the proposed logos (attachment no. 3); sound tracks; laptop; speakers; a metal bell.


Welcoming (introducing oneself). Writing the topic on the board. The task is part of the introduction to the subject of the lesson:

What film genres do you know? (action, animated, documentary, fantasy, horror, western, thriller, historical, catastrophic, comedy, crime, adventure, feature, nature documentary, psychological). The teacher writes the students’ suggestions on the board.

The main part: listening to soundtracks (comedy, animated, nature documentary, western, horror films). Task for students: Listen carefully to the soundtracks and think about the genres of the film in which they might be used. Examples of film genres are on the blackboard. Assign each soundtrack to a proper movie genre. Please raise your hands to provide your suggested answers.

Loud reading of M. Wojtyszko’s: “Secret of the Marabou’s Cipher” book by the children. How are movies made? Where is their source? Where does the idea for a film come from? Do you know? (from the books). Yes, so now we’ll read a fragment of Maciej Wojtyszko’s text entitled: “Mystery of the Marabou’s Cipher” (children read the text fragments).

After reading: the “Secret of the Marabou’s Cipher” is also an animated film that you can find using the Internet. Text Analysis (Work Card No. 1 – Attachment No. 1). Students do the task independently, and then they present the results of their work in front of the class. The teacher together with the students check the correctness of the answers. The teacher asks children: What kind of novel is it? (a crime story). What is the nature of the crime story? (solving a mystery, who discovers this secret? – a detective). We will be detectives, too.

Teacher presents the mystery box. The task of the children is to determine what is inside on the basis of hints provided when solving puzzles (Attachment 2). The puzzles are introduced every 5 minutes (during the whole lesson) and signaled by the bell.

Matching the logo to the contents of the “The mystery of the Marabou’s Cipher” text – a written work. Do you know what a logo is? And what is the purpose of it? Give some examples of logos that you know. Look again at the title of the text. You have pictures in front of you (attached to the board). Choose one that is, in your opinion, the most suitable for the function of a logo (symbol) of this text. Justify your choice in writing (4 – 6 sentences). The selected works will be read aloud in a moment. On the board we stick pictures: a chest, glasses, a hat, a coat, a magnifying glass (Attachment no. 3).

Creating your own ending of the text. Recall once again how the story ended (one child speaks). In a moment, each pair (children sitting together) will draw a note with some information. Your task will be to make your own ending (up to six sentences), using this information. You can only discuss in pairs. You have 5 minutes to do this. Agree on which of you will present the results of the work. Write ideas in your notebooks. We will read them in the class shortly.

Summary: Discovering the secret hidden in the box. Students answer the question: What is the key to?

Checking: Based on today’s lesson, answer the question: Who is a detective? Listen to the answers of your friends and give new information, so as not to repeat what has already been said.



Attachment no. 1

Work card

Based on “The Mystery of the Marabou’s Cipher” by Maciej Wojtyszko specify:

  1. a) time of the story: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  2. b) site of the story: …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  3. c) heroes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  4. d) the event that took place in the analyzed passage (2 to 4 sentences)

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..  ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Attachment no. 2


  1. Who is the most famous literary and cinema detective in history?
  2. Give the name of the main character of the world-famous spy movies series, in which the main roles were played by: Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, and Pierce Brosnan.
  3. An optical device for direct observation of small items.
  4. List 4 distinctive detective clothing items.
  5. A popular name of a shelter prepared for long-time stay of soldiers.


  1. It is an item of everyday use.
  2. Usually it is made of metal.
  3. It would fit in a hand of an adult.
  4. It is an attribute of Saint Peter.
  5. A burglar uses a crowbar, because he doesn’t have one.

Words to task 6.: an elephant, an alien, a car, a beach, an island, a balloon, a volcano, a magician, a letter, a pyramid, a book, a radio.

 Attachment no. 3

Marabou 13

Marabou 15

Marabou 14

Marabou 16


  1. Wotyszko, Tajemnica szyfru Marabuta, Warszawa 2005.

Książki dobre dla dzieci, (date of access: 28.08.2017).

Podokazuj w szkole. Scenariusze studenckich lekcji języka polskiego dla szkoły podstawowej, ze wskazówkami metodycznymi nie tylko dla praktykantów, pod redakcją Małgorzaty Frąckiewicz i Marzeny Szyłak z komentarzami Katarzyny Szostak – Król, (date of access: 28.08.2017)

Tajemnica szyfru Marabuta,, (date of access: 28.08.2017).



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